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Learning BMIS Way
Robotics & Aeromodelling by Eduvate!
The wondrous world around has now evolved to accommodate technology at every stage. From robotic toys that excite the kids and automated appliances inside the house to futuristic solutions in travel and transport, we experience the ease of technology. The power to control and create technology can now our children using the integrated curriculum of Robotics and Aeromodelling, introduced at Budding Minds, in collaboration with Eduvate for Grades 2 to 8.
Learning digitized through Tigtag!
The delightful way that kids are stimulated to experience education is now led by Tigtag, with visual treats and appealing activities for a seamless facilitation of Cambridge curriculum catering to Kindergarteners to Grade 8 learners.
‘E-blocks’ – A Multisensory Tool
BMIS Integrates technology into the Early childhood classrooms! ‘E-blocks’ – a multisensory tool – a unique programme in Budding Minds to strengthen Phonics, Numeracy concepts and to develop skills like problem-solving, critical thinking to kindergarten children. This programme is very successful. We are first school in INDIA/SOUTH INDIA to bring in this exposure…
Cool, Cooler, Coolest!
Lower Primary children - field trip to ‘Ice Cream Factory’, experiencing the COLD freezing rooms, getting a glimpse of ice-cold air, dollops of creams embellished with fruit pulp, nuts and chocolate syrup, to be transformed into a delicious end-product. Machines do all the work, except at the end of the chain, where human beings join in to welcome the ice cream cups and cones into the outside world.
Let’s Football!
Senior Football team, ready with their mascots (Kindergarteners), ready for a
match! They are ready to take up the field, with match referee ready to blow the
whistle for a jostling start!
Active Adjectives & Jolly Good Grammar!
Lower Primary class, on one of their active grammar class, learning with songs,
actions, active tasks, games and what not! Learning grammar is fun, at BM!
Connecting To Our Roots – HARVEST TIME!!
Welcoming the year with a bang!! What better way to celebrate Pongal than to dress our best in traditional attires, play pallanguzhi, kallakal and dance to enthralling folk songs. The role play on “Jallikattu – Ideas and Issues” as the hot potato,
for sure.
Straight From The Horse's Mouth
Polishing our writing skills and getting helpful tips from an editor himself – now that’s worthy tips. Mr.Bharath from 16 leaves dropped in to share his wealth of knowledge and gave us handy tips to motivate us to write better and make the awe-inspiring stories floating in our heads worth a publisher’s time.
How would things look from a whole new perspective, we found out and how! To try something off the pages on Diwali, we – from grades 2 to 7 – joined hands and made a “big picture”” of diya, using all available prosaic and sundry objects. Rings, cones, stools, benches, hoops, bottles, balls, papers and what not – all came together to make a gigantic lamp, visible from the skies!
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